Cologne: 20.–24.02.2024 #didacta

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FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH

FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH
Alexanderstr. 9
10178 Berlin
Hall 8.1 | E044
FRÖBEL. For children. Introducing FRÖBEL Bildung und Erziehung gemeinnützige GmbH and FRÖBEL Akademie gGmbH.
Our goal is a fair society in which all children have equal opportunities, regardless of their social or cultural background. At FRÖBEL, all children should experience that their rights are recognised and respected.

For us, good early education is the starting point for a successful educational career for children. To this end, we constantly invest in the quality of our educational work, in the further and continuing education of our specialists, in good framework conditions and in scientifically sound and attractive training for the profession. Having started out as a small organisation in the post-reunification period, FRÖBEL has developed into a strong social enterprise with an excellent reputation.

Our voice counts - in the sector, in politics and in the general public.

With the educational work in our daycare centres, family centres and advice centres, we provide added value to society, the value and impact of which has not yet received the recognition it deserves. It is our task as a social enterprise to make this "social return on investment" visible.

At our stand in the "Early Education" area in Hall 8.1 from 20 to 24 February 2024, we invite you to come and talk to our employees in person and find out how different focal points such as education for sustainable development (ESD), media education or animal-assisted education are implemented in the FRÖBEL daycare centres.
During the
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