Hochschule Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
Technikumplatz 17
09648 Mittweida
09648 Mittweida
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Hall 7.1 | B027
Study, Research and Living in Mittweida
Mittweida University is a university of applied sciences in Central Saxony with a strong focus on research and transfer. Founded in 1867 as a technical college, the state university has more than 6.200 students in five faculties.For over fifteen years, we have been training biotechnologists, primarily for the local and national labor market. Our research focuses on making genomic, diagnostic methods available to industry. To this end, we cooperate with agricultural businesses in traditional fruit growing, commercial and private beekeepers, dog breeders and research institutions. Varroa resistance breeding of honey bees, heavy metal detoxification with algae, selection markers for the benefit of dogs, conversion of CO2 emissions from industrial processes to platform chemicals and wild bee health in agricultural landscapes are current research priorities.