Cologne: 20.–24.02.2024 #didacta

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Discover and experience Artificial Intelligence in production

Using the tec2SKILL exploreAI®, discover the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in production technology.

The didactically prepared industrial hardware, extended by the tec2SKILL exploreAI® app, and accompanied by 2 course modules including courseware, gives you and your participants, from beginners to professionals, an insight into the subject of AI.

Get your first experience with neural networks and understand how they are created. You can train the system individually or you can use prepared data to offer a first glimpse of "machine learning" or algorithms.

Data management: Learn how to collect, store, and prepare data to use in AI applications.

Integration: Learn how AI systems are integrated into existing production processes and how they work safely or effectively.

With the help of the tec2SKILL exploreAI® case and the smart ETS learning concept, understanding and use of Artificial Intelligence in production is put on a firm footing.

To the press compartment of ETS DIDACTIC GMBH

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