Cologne: 20.–24.02.2024 #didacta

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Sag es auf Deutsch | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

Sag es auf Deutsch

Our learning software contains three learning modules: "Say it in German - Letters", "Say it in German - Vocabulary" and "Say it in German - Grammar".

"Say it in German - Letters" is a literacy trainer that can be used to practice letters as well as initial reading and writing. The game was developed to match our new textbook. With the help of vocabulary games, the words that appear per letter in the book can first be learned, which promotes independent work with the textbook. The letters must be recognized, assigned or traced in subsequent games. The player can also practice determining the number of syllables, hearing out initial sounds and recognizing sound positions in the word. The order of the letters is based on our textbook.

“Say it in German - Wortschatz” is a vocabulary trainer with which the player can independently develop their first basic German vocabulary. There are 18 subject areas that contain a total of around 600 words and sentences. No previous knowledge is required as there is a “learn vocabulary” function. The vocabulary can then be practiced with the help of 8 self-explanatory games. The software is also suitable for non-literate users. Thanks to the spoken language-accompanying sign videos, which are available for every vocabulary word, hearing-impaired children can also learn with the app. "Say it in German - Grammar" is the ideal successor to

"Say it in German - Vocabulary" and is used to learn and practice simple grammatical structures. There are 16 topics, which include, among other things, verb conjugations in the present and past tense as well as the increase in adjectives contain. In addition, the correct use of the articles in the nominative, accusative and dative can be practiced intensively.
Syndikusweg 30
44135 Dortmund
Hall 7.1 | A021